A while back, maybe a month or so, I was browsing on etsy, mostly Taos Sunflower Too, Martie's site, and saw this wonderful roving. Another one of Martie's exquisite one of a kind Free Fall rovings, this one is 75% BFL and 25% Silk, can you see how shiny it is? I only wish you could feel how wonderfully soft it is! I've been working on other projects, the red! and other knitting, but I have left this hanging where I see it everyday, and my fingers have been twitching to start spinning!
Today may be the day. It is a blustery day with rain in the forcast and cloudy skies, and although we had enjoyed a week of warmer temperatures and spring has sprung, today is a welcome stay at home day.
I am hoping for a lace weight yarn and am debating watching Judith Mackenzie's "A Spinner's Toolbox" again to get into the right frame of mind and to use my hands properly, but...I just want to start spinning!
Ooops! Just posted on the yarn and didn't even realize this was one of my rovings. Guess I should read these in order!