This little cardinal was enjoying sipping some fresh water before taking her bath.
She seems to be part of a large family of cardinals, perhaps several families, all of whom appear to want to feed and bathe at about the same time. The males make such a brilliant flash of color, they are a joy to behold, and yet there is something so sweet about the females. I love to watch them.

This thrasher had been dashing about the yard, hopping and stabbing at the ground, (digging for worms?) and then swooped up to take a few swallows. I really like his coloring, his speckled breast. And watching him moving so quickly about the yard. Fleeting views as then he moves on.
The woodpecker picture is a bit fuzzy due to the fact I took the shot from the screened porch and for some reason my camera wanted to focus on the screen. By the time I got the setting about right I only had time for this shot. Too bad I didn't catch him in the bath!

Pretend its a foggy day!
what fun it is to bird watch with you--our friends just returned from trip to Panama to bird watch--all that travel, but I can see thru your eyes without the travel.