This is from a couple of weeks ago when it was so-o cold here in Bay St. Louis and I wasn't sure anyone else would show up for knitting group. But sure enough, almost everyone came and we even had an out of town visitor! Everyone was bundled up and happily knitting away. I love being part of such a group!

This sweetheart I call my 'nieta' (granddaughter) as I was with her mother in the operating room when she was delivered by caesarian. Mom was numbed from the neck down so the doctor handed bundled baby to me and I was able to hold her up for mom to see and kiss and talk to. And then I got to do some cooing before they took her off to the nicu as she needed a bit more oxygen being five weeks early. That was two years ago and I have enjoyed the privilege of being the proxy grandmother, being part of her life on a regular basis as her two natural grandmothers live far away.
Mom is now expecting another little one and we are making the rounds of clinic visits and ultrasound appointments (next week) and trying to think out how to help this one deal with the arrival of a new baby at such a young age. (?) I was dropping mom and nieta off after the appointment and was surprised at la nieta as she didn't want me to go and started crying and calling for her 'buela' (her version of abuela, 'grandmother') not to go without her. That is as near as I'm going to get, not having children of my own, and I have to say it tugged at my heartstrings!
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