Riding along the bay we frequently see this beauty. Often shadowing the fishermen, some days he gets a nice share of what is caught or even some bait. He was a little ragged after Hurricane Isaac went through, but managed to survive. How?
Love driving by and seeing the pelicans and cormorants hanging out, sometimes we catch them diving, fishing. I have some more photos around this time that I will post very soon.
A finished project, destined for a bride, a lovely lady. This is what I finally did with the beautiful dyed roving Martie did many moons ago, in her 'Roving Art' series, this based on a beautiful painting of an orchid. I loved knitting this. It is the Petal Shawlette from Sock Yarn-One Skein Wonders. I knitted an extra repeat of one of the charts to get it a little larger, and had what I think was a happy accident. I was running out of the handspun and was pretty sure I wouldn't have enough for the leaf border, so I started rummaging through my depleted stash and found this Rowan Kid Silk Haze in this perfectly matching 'greige-ed' off white. It truly 'finished' the shawl.
My stash has depleted deliberately as I sorted through it and donated bunches to different new knitters, those who had learned to knit with simple acrylics can have fun with bits and pieces of fun yarns.
Another thing we did this year is to get a membership to the zoo; in our meanderings we came across these turtles, enjoying the sun together.
Our group of knitters continues to meet at the Mockingbird Café. I loved the colors and the concentration of this little knitter. This is practically the only time I have to knit anymore, so I try to make it every week, although sometimes I don't make it.
Here, my teddy bear, stuffed with lavender, has volunteered to model a baby sweater and hat I finished for one of the girls who used to come early and visit our knitting group. This is one of Jill Eaton's Minnowknits designs and was another fun knit.
I have lots of other photos to share (soon)(very soon), trips to Jackson, Mississippi, and New Orleans, a couple of other projects, more birds. Bear with me. Tee hee.