I love the color in this tulip. It was the only one of the bunch to have this much color, so I had to get a photo of it. I wonder if I could dare to get this colorway on fiber or would it appear too strident? Something to work toward anyway.
I had to laugh when I read a recent forum on ravelry as to how many projects one has on the needles. How awful! Some had as many as 8 (!) projects going at once. It reminded me of an anecdote that Karen, of Black Sheep fame in Encinitas, CA, relates of a customer who decided to label her projects from A to Z, and was able to go through the alphabet 3 (if I remember correctly) times! At the time I was appropriately horrified, however I am beginning to wonder if I would be far off if I started to count. So, I am NOT counting, but I am going to make a real effort to FINISH things as I come across them. Hah!

A recent batch of hand dyed fibers using natural dyes. Top picture, here, Falkland fiber, below on left, merino seacell, right Falkland, and the resulting 2-ply skein, one ply each.

And at last, a skein that Martie dyed, I believe she calls this colorway Autumn. As I spun it I kept thinking of the throne room in the Alcazar de Segovia on a cloudy day. Great grey stones and red velvet everywhere. Hmm. Now what to make with it?