I wanted to make some wristwarmers during all the cold weather we've had this winter, so a search was made on ravelry and I found these Noro wristwarmers by kariola. Changes made were a simple garter stitch border before the bind off in order to allow the pattern to scallop a little bit, and I crocheted the thumb opening rather than knit it to custom fit it. I also didn't make them quite as long. They were fun to do and feel good on.

Finally got the Luna Moth shawl done. I know I was supposed to have finished this by the time the winter olympics were finished. Lets just say I was bumped out of the running by busy busy circumstances and decided just to enjoy the process, which I did! This was inspired by Eileen's luna moth shawl and a search on the internet found the pattern at elann.com. It is a design by Shui Kuen Kozinski, and is also fun to make. The fiber is BFL and is dyed by Martie of Taos Sunflower Too. I spun four ounces and didn't use it all. I got about 550 yards out of it and figure I used about 500 of those yards.

The dimensions are roughly 68" x 42". A nice size to wear. Once again I was mesmerized by the color changes and the discipline of working one stitch pattern throughout.
Now I can go back to Madli's Shawl and also a cropped cardigan with a picot border from Louisa Harding's Cardigan book. I've also started spinning a new roving from Martie, and am dreaming of different shawl patterns for more of my handspun skeins. So many variations! Isn't knitting wonderful?