I thought these little trumpet flowers were so pretty, and I love the colors. These were just outside the front door of our friend's house where we stayed the last five days we were in San Diego. The first five days we were with our friends Louie and Argelia, and it was better than a five star hotel, I tell you. Argelia is a brilliant cook and decorator, and has made a beautiful home out of the condo they rent in Rancho Bernardo. Highlights of our stay with them include the wonderful meals, the comfortable accomodations, and sitting on the terrace watching the sunrise over the hills of Southern California. That's what the time difference will do to you, not to mention the daylight savings 'fall back' change. We ate like kings and had a marvelous time.

The first Sunday we were there our friends planned a 'fiesta' for us. It was wonderful to see so many of our friends in one place and enjoy good food, and a 'baile', dancing, and this little charmer stole my heart. The new son of my friend Dora. He was wending his way under tables greeting and meeting people. I couldn't resist.

One of the things we used to do when we lived in S.D. was to celebrate our anniversary with a couple, Bob and Denise, whose wedding date is the day before ours. We stayed with them the last part of our vacation and rather than going out to eat to a fancy restaurant, we requested a 'Tapas' night. Like they do in the Bar/Restaurantes de Espana, we filled the island in the kitchen with all sorts of Spanish delicacies: garlic mayonaise, spanish tortilla (potato omelet, thick), pepperoni stuffed dates wrapped in bacon, spinach and pear in puff pastry, mushrooms 'al ajillo' (in garlic sauce), shrimp in garlic sauce, garbanzos in onion sauce, olive tapenade on toasted bread slices, 'hot tomatoes' (cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced with tons of garlic and basil) on bread spread with brie; and of course, a good cold champagne.
Bob and Denise included Louie and Argelia and also Bernadette and Bridget and we had a marvelous time sampling and talking, enjoying the patio (like sitting outside at a Tuscan villa), just too yummy for words.
After spending our last day relaxing, and knitting and enjoying even more good food it was time to head home.

We arrived home, landing in New Orleans buffeted by the winds from hurricane Ivan which fortunately was a lot further east. Drove home in a very steady rain with wind gusts but arrived safely. Rested and then started preparing for a spinning demonstration at our lys. I had set this up before leaving on vacation and had ordered a batt called 'Little Orphan Annie' from Monte of MyMixMix (she sells on etsy.com). Spent Saturday morning gathering fibers and carders and a drop spindle, etc., and spent a nice couple of hours demonstrating various aspects of spinning, and answering questions.

Here is the result of spinning 'Little Orphan Annie'. It has, if I remember correctly, Targhee, silk, mohair, some kind of locks, dyed like Annie's hair and a surprise bit of sparkle with teal sequins. It was a lot of fun to spin, and I was able to get around 108 yds. out of something like 2.7 ounces.
Once the spinning demonstration was over I was ready to get back to my routine when I got hit with a whopper of a cold, which kept me from doing practically anything. Now I am over the worst and actually feel like doing. Although, while I was sick I discovered a show on BBCAmerica called "How Clean is Your House". Now I am wanting to clean, clean, clean. Not that I don't, but there were some good tips offered and it made me take a good look around to see what I have been letting slide. Aughh! I'd much rather be spinning. Or knitting!